Category: 2020

  • Environmental Performance Agency

    Environmental Performance Agency

    The Environmental Performance Agency (EPA) is an artist collective founded in 2017 and named in response to the ongoing rollback of Federal environmental policy at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Appropriating the acronym EPA, the collective’s primary goal is to shift thinking around the terms environment, performance, and agency – using artistic, social, and embodied practices…

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  • Multispecies Care Survey

    Multispecies Care Survey

    The Multispecies Care Survey is an Environmental Performance Agency public engagement and data gathering initiative meant to provoke and articulate forms of environmental agency that de-center human supremacy and facilitate the co-generation of embodied, localized plant-human care practices. This continues the EPA’s work in response to the dismantling of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under…

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  • Ocellus


    Location: New York, NY Collaborator: Urban Systems Lab, The New School Ocellus is an interactive web application that visualizes Social, Ecological, and Technological Systems (SETS) data designed and implemented initially for nine different cities within the Urban Resilience to Weather-related Extremes (UREx) Sustainability Research Network. It was conceived as a tool to produce knowledge, bridging…

    Read more: Ocellus