Recent Journal Articles
Pineda-Pinto, M., Kennedy, C., Nulty, F., & Collier, M. (2024). Leverage points for improving urban biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene: A novel ecosystem lens for social-ecological transformation. Environmental Science & Policy, 162, 103926.
Herreros-Cantis, P., Hoffman, L., Kennedy, C., Kim, Y., Charles, J., Gillet, V., Getzin, A., Littlefield, D., Zielinski, A., Bernstein, J., Settle-Robbinson, R., Langemeyer, J., Neumann, M., & McPhearson, T. (2024). Co-producing research and data visualization for environmental justice advocacy in climate change adaptation: The Milwaukee Flood-Health Vulnerability Assessment. Cities, 155, 105474.
McPhearson, T., Towers, J., Balk, D., Horton, R., Madajewicz, M., Montalto, F., Neidell, M., Orton, P., Rosenzweig, B., Bader, D., Chen, Z., DeGaetano, A., Evans, C., Golkhandan, M. R., Gurian, P., Kaatz, J., Herreros-Cantis, P., Lo, R., Ortiz, L., Braneon, C., Branco, B., Campbell, L., Dubay, F., Graziano, K., Jiang, L., Johnson, M., Kennedy, C., Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A., Kleyman, J., Kleyman, J., Knowlton, K., Limaye, V., Matte, T., Munoz Perez, S., Reed, D., Shakya, M., Svendsen, E., Tipaldo, J., Zoraghein, H. (2024). New York City Town+Gown Climate Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation Analysis Final Report. New York City Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice. (Download Report)
Mustafa, A., Kennedy, C., Lopez, B., & McPhearson, T. (2023). Perceived and geographic access to urban green spaces in New York City during COVID-19. Cities, 143, 104572.
Kennedy, C., Irons, E., and Watts, P. (2023). Ecological art in cities: Exploring the potential for art to promote and advance nature-based solutions. In McPhearson, T., Kabisch, N. and Franteskaski (Eds.), Nature-based solutions for cities. Edward Elgar Publishing .
Kennedy, C. (2023) Plant-human Relations: How Can Art Foster Positive Perceptions of Weeds in Cities? The Nature of Cities.
Pineda-Pinto, M., Kennedy, C., Collier, M., Cooper, C., O’Donnell, M., Nulty, F., & Castaneda, N. R. (2023). Finding justice in wild, novel ecosystems: A review through a multispecies lens. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127902.
Kennedy, C. (2023). No War on Plants. In Watts, T. Abeles, K., & Hunter, W. (Eds.), Earthkeepers Handbook: Heal the Man, Heal the Land. ecoartspace.
Sauter, D., McPhearson, T., & Kennedy, C. (2022, October 10). Ocellus XR: Visualizing Climate Risk, Vulnerability, and Equity in NYC. Public Seminar.
Kennedy, C. (2022). Artists and scientists that co-create regenerative projects in cities? The Nature of Cities.
Kennedy, C., Schneider, I. E.,Maurer, M., Campbell, L. K., Johnson, M., Wynveen, C. J., Sachdeva, S., Christiana, R. W., Svendsen, E., Cook, E. M., Tangtrakul, K., Woerdeman, S., & Montalto, F. (2022). Revealing greenspace as critical social infrastructure during COVID-19. In K. Habib and P. Messinger (Eds.), Reimagining Public Spaces and Built Environments in the Post-Pandemic World. Ethics International Press. ISBN 978-1-80441-052-3
Kennedy, C. (2022). Ruderal resilience: Applying a ruderal lens to advance multispecies urbanism and social-ecological systems theory. Frontiers in Built Environment,
McPhearson, T., E. Cook, M. Berbés-Blázquez, C. Cheng, N.B. Grimm, E. Andersson, O. Barbosa, D.G. Chandler, H. Chang, M. Chester, D. Childers, S. Elser, N. Frantzeskaki, Z. Grabowski, P. Groffman R.L. Hale, D.M. Iwaniec, N. Kabisch, C. Kennedy, S.A. Markolf, A.M. Matsler, L.E. McPhillips, T.R. Miller, T.A. Muñoz-Erickson, E. Rosi, T.G. Troxler. (2022). A social-ecological-technological systems approach to urban ecosystem services. One Earth, 5, 5, 505-518.
Lopez, B., Kennedy, C., Field, C., & Mcphearson, T. (2021). Who benefits from urban green spaces during times of crisis? Perception and use of urban green spaces in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 127354.
Kronenberg, J., E. Andersson, D. N. Barton, S. T. Borgström, J. Langemeyer, T. Björklund, D. Haase, C. Kennedy, K. Koprowska, E. Łaszkiewicz, T. McPhearson, E. E. Stange, and M. Wolff. (2021). The thorny path toward greening: unintended consequences, trade-offs, and constraints in green and blue infrastructure planning, implementation, and management. Ecology and Society, Vol. 26, Issue 2.
McPhearson, T., Grabowski, Z., Herreros-Cantis, P., Mustafa, A., Ortiz, L., Kennedy, C., Tomateo, C., Lopez, B., Olivotto, V., & Vantu, A. (2021). Pandemic Injustice: Spatial and Social Distributions of COVID-19 in the US Epicenter. Journal of Extreme Events, 2150007.
Kennedy, C., McPhearson, T., & Lopez, B. 2020 Parks are Critical Urban Infrastructure: The Use of Urban Green Space in New York City During COVID-19, The Nature of Cities.
Kennedy, C. 2021. Pandemic ecologies during the great Anthropause, Resilience Quarterly, Vol. 2,.
Enabling Access to Greenspace During the Covid-19 Pandemic—Perspectives from Five Cities, The Nature of Cities, 2020
Kennedy, C. 2020. The Pedagogical Afterthought: Situating Socially Engaged Art as Critical Public Pedagogy, The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies, 2020
Kennedy, C. 2020 Multispecies Care in a Time of Pandemic Crisis, EcoArtSpace
Kennedy, C. 2018. The Emergent Plantocene, 2018
Kennedy, C. 2017 “Maintenance as Care at the EPA” Push/Pull Magazine, Issue #5, Culture Push. New York, NY, 2017.
Kennedy, C. 2016. Places Already Made: Reflections on Elsewhere’s South Elm Projects, Journal of Art for Life, Vol. 8.
Kennedy, C. 2016. Let it decay: Cultural precarity in the Anthropocene, Miami Rail.
Kennedy, C. 2016. Mycological provisions, Journal for Artistic Research, Issue 10.
Kennedy, C. & Irons, E. An Atlas of Endangered Surfaces: A Conversation Between Ellie Irons and Christopher Kennedy. Temporary Art Review, January 2016.
Kennedy, C. Artist Run Spaces of the Future. Artlink Magazine, 2012.
Kennedy, C. Mapping Collaborative Cultural Production and Social Art Practices, Parsons Journal for Information Mapping, 2012.